UpgradesWasted time on Old TechnologyHow could a report that took more than an hour to print take less than a few seconds on this new computer?
What’s with the Red Ball?The “Red Ball Express” was the convoy system created by the U.S. Army during World War II in Europe.
US: Over Half of Americans Use Web – 2002I saved this article from 2002. It was the moment when it was announced that half of America had used the Internet.
Bill and Dave’s Excellent AdventureBoth understood that their technologies would have the most impact and the most utility when sold en masse to individuals.
Launch of the IBM XTI.B.M. Extends it’s Line of Small Computers March 9, 1983 by Andrew Pollack (NY Times) The International Business Machines Corporation...
The First IBM Personal ComputerIBM, once slow to recognize that computers were getting smaller, is apparently determined not to emerging personal computer market.