Web BuildingCommunications TheoryIn order to build a web site, you need a plan. You wouldn’t try to produce a television show without a script.
Web BuildingWho is your Audience?You need to very accurately define the group of people who is going to see your message.
Web BuildingWhat is the Intended Response?An intended response is can also be called “the call to action”. It is what the audience is to do when they get your message.
Web BuildingWhat is your Message?What are you trying to say to the audience? What exactly are you trying to convey to them?
ProgrammingMicrosoft Technical Support vs. The Psychic Friends NetworkIn terms of technical expertise, we found that a Microsoft technician using Knowledge Base was about as helpful as a Psychic Friends reader.
Bill and Dave’s Excellent AdventureBoth understood that their technologies would have the most impact and the most utility when sold en masse to individuals.
Launch of the IBM XTI.B.M. Extends it’s Line of Small Computers March 9, 1983 by Andrew Pollack (NY Times) The International Business Machines Corporation...
The First IBM Personal ComputerIBM, once slow to recognize that computers were getting smaller, is apparently determined not to emerging personal computer market.
ReconditioningBuy a Block of TimeWe do all the work you need, be it network administration, programming, computer refurbishment or whatever you need.